Scammer profile

vor 2 Jahren von Cheumterling
Hi all,
Considering the increasing number of scammers on the marketplace, I would propose to build up a list of profiles.Hope to make this place a proper trading site as it was

Thomas WhiteLiving in Bern but is selling 2 YT Capra frames that are at his parents place in Zürich. A grey/black/orange and a full black, both CF.
They would have send the frame by Post after the money was transfered via Paypal (and was insisting to do it ASAP). The given email was a fake one:
Vladlen & Emilon25Both profiles were selling a YT Capra CF, Vladen a red/black, Emilon25 a full black.Different profiles but the pictures were taken on the same shelf (wood plank with a bicycle chain).This one seems quite organized as he uploaded more pictures of the frame in the offer as soon as I asked him more close-up pictures. Kommentare


vor 2 Jahren 4/28/2022

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Dominik Bosshard