Canyon Service Partner - Sport2Go! Avoid this bike store!

vor 8 Monaten von Turbosnail
Hi all,

Here is my email send to canyon regarding a Service Partner.

Please, contact Canyon if you are in the same situtation.

Dear Canyon team,
I have a big problem with one of your partners in Switzerland: Sport2go in Biberist.
At the beginning of April, Sport2Go came to pick up my Canyon Grizl CF SL 7 eTap for a warranty repair (fork replacement).
On 25.04. Spoprt2Go was the victim of a burglary, 26 bikes were stolen including my Grizl.
A report was made to the Solothurn cantonal police.

I contacted my insurance company and they informed me that Sport2Go's insurance would cover the reimbursement following this theft.

On several occasions, I contacted Sport2Go but the store manager showed no cooperation in putting me in touch with his insurance.

This week, I contacted Sport2Go for the xth time and store manager again “dodged” any concrete answer and did not give me any insurance name or contact person. Proof that Sport2Go doesn't seem to want to take responsibility.

I have also contacted my insurance company, who have confirmed that they are aware of the situation.

This situation is not related to Canyon but to a service partner.

This behavior can only harm Canyon's image, which is why I invite you to study any future partnership with Sport2Go.

Kind regards,
Sacha Kommentare


vor 8 Monaten 5/24/2024

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